Fernanda R. de Avila

Biogeography, amphibians, araucaria trees, Pampas and diversity in science

Hello, welcome to my page.

Here I can put togueter my academic information. Building this page is also an opportunity to train/learn a little programming and English.

Most of my work is about Ecology and Natural History of amphibians and reptiles from southern Brazil.

I am currently part of the Research Group on Evolution, Ecology and Conservation Genetics of Professor Dr. Victor Hugo Valiati, the LGBM lab (UNISINOS), where I am the principal investigator on the project Patterns of Diversity in Physalaemus (Anura, Leptodactylidae): Biogeography and Evolution at the Pampa and Atlantic Forest Interface, with financial support from the Rio Grande do Sul State Research Foundation (FAPERGS).